Cyber Centre - Electronic Music, OSTs and Interviews — chiptune
MHz-004 | Family Techno
Fashion Police Squad OST // Interview with Lassi Vihko and Tommi Vihko
FFO: Compound Fracture, Forgive Me Father, Anger Foot and Ion FuryFavourite Track: Sweepin' in the Deep Lassi Vihko and Tommi Vihko of Geem Audioworks took the time to answer a few questions about their work on the Fashion Police Squad Soundtrack. Here's what they had to say! Q1: The Fashion Police Squad soundtrack does not feature any typical runway music, which would have been an obvious choice. What led to that decision? When we started development, the core design pillars were humour, satisfying action gameplay and novelty. Most of the genre choices were somehow tied to the design pillars. In the case of using runway music, we...
Unpacking OST // Interview with Jeff van Dyck
FFO: Shogun Total War, Need for Speed, Hand of Fate and Paint the Town RedFavourite Track: I Like Water Jeff an Dyck took the time to speak with us about his work on the critically acclaimed "Unpacking" as well as his wildly impressive backlog. Heres what he had to say! Q1: Unpacking is a meditative puzzle game that has received an incredible amount of critical acclaim. Do you have any thoughts on why the market for this type of game has grown in recent years?A1: I think life for most people in the world has become more stressful in the last few...
FFO: Evan's Remains, Chip Jockey, Basquash!, しのりゅー and KIZAN518Favourite Track: 透明なデカダンス Find more of their music
Wirewalk()↳ OST // Dani Serranú Interview
FFO: Ghost Labyrinth, An Autumn With You, Core Machina and Drill DozerFavourite Track: Organic Research I had a chance to ask Dani some questions about her work on Wirewalk()↳ and here's what she had to say! Q1: What Hardware or DAWs do you use to create your chip sounds?A1: For Wirewalk I used Fl Studio 20 because me and Danilo, the game developer, wanted a chiptune hybrid sound with more modern electronic music elements. For that, I took the soundtrack more to the Digital Fusion side using the piano Noir, Genny FL, 3 OSC (native to FL Studio) and hybrid drums. Q2: Which video...